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Arizona Future Problem Solving Program
Scenario Writing is an individual competition in which students develop short stories related to one of five FPS topics for the year. The story (1500 words or less) is set at least 20 years in the future and is an imagined, but logical, outcome of actions or events taking place in the world.
To prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century, Future Problem Solving Program International teaches students to think critically, creatively, and futuristically. The Scenario Writing component of FPSPI strives to help students enlarge, enrich, and make more accurate their images of the future, while honing their creative writing skills. Scenario Writing personalizes the ever-growing perspective a student has on the future. In addition, participation provides opportunities for students to meet and exceed educational standards as they refine their writing skills. A rubric-based authentic evaluation is provided, giving students tools for continuous growth.
Students may participate in Scenario Writing in three divisions as determined according to the grades as identified within the US school system: Junior (grades 4-6), Middle (grades 7-9), and Senior (grades 10-12). For students who participate in the Global Issues Problem Solving (GIPS), Scenario Writing can serve as an excellent complement to their work on any of the topics. Scenario Writing can be used as a stand-alone activity by an FPS coach, an English teacher, a parent, or any instructor with students who are interested in creative writing. Students who are enthusiastic about stories of the future may be interested in the Scenario Performance component, which is an oral story telling experience.
For more information, please contact azfutureproblemsolving@gmail.com or visit the International website http://www.fpspi.org/scenario-writing/.